Our firm appears regularly in the professional rankings of the specialized press. We appear in the latest 2017 Leaders League (Decision Makers) ranking devoted to the practice of litigation and arbitration. It is interesting to know that Leaders League is the only French ranking in the category of “Litigation support”, i.e. audit and/or consulting firms that provide “technical” support to lawyers and attorneys in a pre-litigation or litigation context.
We appear in the following categories:
Taking into consideration some thirty players referenced in these rankings, they confirm our positioning as a French firm, totally independent (not a member of a French or international audit network, listed consulting firm or subsidiary of a listed company, investment fund shareholders, etc.), and specialized in complex accounting and financial issues in the context of litigation assistance. Moreover, the size of our firm allows us to guarantee a significant and real intervention of a specialized partner, Philippe CAMPOS, on this type of case and not of assistants and managers.
The rankings are available below :