It should be noted that we publish here only those transactions that have given rise to a press release from the investor.
Business case: some examples of recent interventions
(non-exhaustive and excluding Transaction Services)
Independent evaluation of a SME and a brand with a turnover of ~30 M€ prior to a family transmission (food supplements sector).
Independent valuation of a SME with ~1 M€ of turnover in the context of a tax dispute (electronics sector)
Independent evaluation of a SME with a turnover of ~25 M€ at the request of a shareholder holding 50% of the capital (tele-shopping type commercial promotion sector).
Expert appointed by a Commercial Court in the context of setting a price supplement following a transfer of business, then a dispute and disagreement over the choice of the expert
Management expertise ordered by a Commercial Court following a dispute between co-partners and accusations of fraud by one of them (Food Sector)
Independent valuation of an SME prior to a legal action by a minority shareholder contesting the price of the transfer of assets to the company’s manager’s personal company (Photovoltaic and Wind Energy sector)
Equity certification carried out at the request of an investment fund within the framework of the transfer of a shareholding (Photovoltaic and Wind Energy sector)
Independent valuation of an SME realizing ~15 M€ of turnover prior to a reconfiguration of the share capital of a consulting firm in information system implementation.
Independent valuation of an SME realizing ~15 M€ of turnover prior to a reconfiguration of the share capital of a consulting firm in information system implementation.
Independent valuation of a business of an SME realizing ~5 M€ of turnover prior to the judicial liquidation of the company and its sale to a competitor (marketing sector).
Independent valuation of a holding company and its subsidiaries (real estate development and private equity in particular) in the context of a family transmission
Expert appointed by a Commercial Court in connection with the determination of the conversion parity of convertible bonds into shares following a dispute between the majority shareholder and an investment fund and disagreement over the choice of the expert
Independent evaluation of a prejudice linked to the non-implementation of a management package by a manager of a SME under LBO prior to a legal action (retail sector)
Expert appointed by a Commercial Court in connection with the determination of a potential earn-out payment of several million euros pursuant to Article 1592 of the French Civil Code (Council sector)
Independent valuation of a SME with ~25 M€ of turnover in the context of a conflict between a minority shareholder and a majority shareholder for one of the parties (Pharmaceutical industry sector)
Independent valuation of a SME with ~5 M€ of turnover in the context of an exit tax (insurance brokerage sector)
Counsel to an investment fund in the context of the merger of 2 independent groups following an investment of €30 million (independent valuation of the companies and interface with the merger auditor)
Expert appointed by a Commercial Court in the context of a dispute relating to a liability guarantee issue
Independent valuation of an SME prior to a legal action by a minority shareholder who contests the transfer price of the assets to the personal company of the company’s manager (Health sector)
References and rankings by the specialized press:
Afival among the top financial advisory specialists in restructuring in France (source: Guide Restructuration of the Magazine des Affaires).
Afival regularly ranked since 2010 among the leading firms specialized in Transaction Services/financial due diligence (source: Magazine des Affaires).
Afival has been ranked in the category of firms with a “reputable practice” in Décideurs magazine’s annual rankings of auditors and financial advisors since 2013 to date (source: Leaders League).
Afival qualified as a “benchmark player in the French Transaction Service” (source: Private Equity Magazine).
Afival is regularly cited among the M&A advisors by specialized magazines (Corporate Finance News, Capital Finance…).
Afival is ranked in the category of “highly recommended” and “recommended” in the leaders league (Decideurs) ranking of the best French advisory firms specialized in Commercial Litigation and Shareholder Litigation and Valuation of Damages.
« acteur de référence du Transaction Service Hexagonal »
“Ranked as one of the main players specializing in Transaction Services (a firm independent of the major audit networks)”.
“Among the 84 main players in restructuring in France (financial advisers, lawyers, directors, etc.)”.
“Firm with a strong reputation in the Litigation Support specialization (commercial litigation)”.
“audit and financial advisory firm with a reputable practice in financial auditing”.
Sectors of activity in which we have intervened
(non-exhaustive list)
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