We are pleased to announce the publication of a practical manual written by Philippe CAMPOS, Partner AFIVAL Audit & Consulting, dedicated to business valuation: “Valuation of an unlisted company – A practitioner’s point of view”.
A free online conference to present the manual will be organized on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 6:00 pm. You can register from the following link: Registration to the online conference on the website AFIVAL DATA&FORMATION.
This book deals with many issues related to the practice of business valuation. It deals more with practical than theoretical aspects. Thus, this book will be useful to all persons interested in understanding the main issues involved in the implementation of a business valuation, as a valuator but also as a user of a business valuation (chartered accountant, statutory auditor, accounting and financial manager, financial intermediary, lawyer, notary, business manager, teacher, student, etc.).
In order to facilitate the understanding of each issue, the book is structured around more than 200 practical questions (in 14 chapters). It is also supplemented by numerous tables, graphs and simple examples according to the issues addressed. All the questions are independent and the book can thus be used as a didactic tool in the implementation of a business valuation. In addition to the methodology for implementing valuation methods, the author focuses on various related issues; for example: how to choose one’s valuator? What is the date of the valuation according to the context (succession, exit of a minority partner, merger, etc.)? What are the limitations to be mentioned in the appraisal report? What is the content of an appraisal report? And many other practical questions that the appraisers or users of the appraisal may ask themselves.
This book is already available on AMAZON in paperback and/or digital ” ebook ” version : AMAZON